Architectural Review
Important Note: The below information pertains only to the single-family homes located in wards 1-6. For homes in wards 7-14, architectural control is exercised by their respective homeowners associations.
The Raintree Association’s covenants require that homeowners receive Architectural Control Committee approve for any structure changes, additions, or other exterior modifications before work is started.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Walkways and Driveways
Swimming Pools
Retaining Walls
Satellite Dishes
Accessory Structures, such as:
This review is a quick and easy process in which the committee and the resident work together to achieve the homeowner’s desired goal within the confines of the covenants and association guidelines.
Review of proposed changes ensures that the changes are harmonious with the surroundings and that the work is completed within a reasonable period of time.
Homeowners can submit their proposed modifications for review by downloading the form and emailing a completed copy (with supporting materials) to:
If you are unable to download or e-mail the form, you may also reach us via phone at (804) 282-7451.
It is important to apply and get approval before work begins in order to avoid unnecessary expense or delay.
While the Architectural Control Committee will incorporate known governmental requirements into its decision-making process, it is ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility to obtain all required permits and to comply with all related regulations.